iTunes 2 for Mac OS 9


The other day I was setting up my blueberry clamshell iBook G3/300 to be a Mac OS 9-only machine, and as I was installing a minimal but complete set of applications and utilities, I thought I could very well add to the mix the last iTunes version compatible with Mac OS 9, iTunes 2.0.4.

Since the version of Mac OS 9.2.2 installed on the iBook is in English, and the copy of the iTunes 2 installer I had at the ready was in Italian, the software wouldn’t install (ah, the not-good old times of non-multilingual system software applications!) — So I figured I could do a quick web search to download the English installer.

Of course, one of the first hits was Apple’s own website, the Support page called iTunes 2.0.4 for Mac OS 9: Information and Download. The problem is that the download link is broken and you land on a blank page. So I searched my archives more thoroughly and found it inside a backup of the old hard drive of my late iMac G3.

I thought it would be nice to make it available for download for other vintage Mac enthusiasts. I know you can probably find it elsewhere on the Web, but at least I’m a trustworthy source, and you know that what you’re downloading is genuine. (This is the same installer I’ve used to install iTunes 2 on my iBook.)

The file is a BIN archive. Once you’ve downloaded it, StuffIt Expander (which you’ll surely have installed on your Mac) will decode the file and extract the Self-Mounting disk Image (iTunes_2.0.4_Installer.smi). Double-click on it and inside you’ll find the VISE iTunes installer. Double-click it and follow the on-screen instructions.

For detailed System Requirements, refer to the aforementioned Apple Support page, but in short, if your Mac has built-in USB and runs Mac OS 9.0.4 at the very least, you’re good to go.

Download iTunes 2.0.4 for Mac OS 9

[Update, December 2023 — The link to download the installer has been updated.]

9 thoughts on “iTunes 2 for Mac OS 9

  1. Pingback: Macpro » iTunes 2
  2. Very useful Ricardo thanks. It took me a long time to locate iTunes 1.1 for my Powerbook G3 Wallstreet PDQ 266MHz Os 9.1 plus AppleDesign Speakers. Now I find it will run iTunes 2.0.4 thanks to you providing the download – despite the lack of USB! The convenience was the clincher.

  3. Non sarebbe male rendere disponibile per il download anche la versione di iTunes 2.0.4 in italiano. Quella per Mac OS 9.0.4 per intenderci. Ho gia lasciato una lamentela sul sito di supporto di Apple per quei link nel nulla. Ho poche speranze di essere ascoltato Apple non ha il minimo riguardo verso la propria storia, si può dire che ogni giorno spariscono cose dal loro sito. Eppure c’è una comunità attivissima nel retro-computing a partire dal // fino ai Mac.

    Ringrazio per quello che potrai fare.

    P.S. ho scritto in italiano perché è una richiesta di sw italiano, non credo interessi molto al resto del mondo

  4. Thank you for your informative post! I have a Mac Wallstreet Powerbook that I want to use with an iPod Touch, and it’s OS9 (I hesitate to attempt to put X on it…) so this will be doing so soon!


  5. thanks so much!! searched for ages and finally found it here, since the apple link is still broken.
    i can’t decode it on my OSX mavericks tho

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